Rhythm Game
- How do I take part in Ranked Matches?
- What are Ranked Matches?
- The songs I own are not displayed on the song select screen.
- My Bonus Energy has been used up by Ranked Matches.
- What falls under inappropriate conduct for Ranked Matches?
- How are wins and losses determined in Ranked Matches?
- What's the difference between Ranked Matches and regular Shows?
- What's Auto-Play?
- Why is my Auto-Play score lower than usual?
- Are some missions not counted if I do them using Auto-Play?
- How can I activate skills?
- Is the number and order of characters' skill uses predefined?
- The app crashed during a Solo Show/Co-op Show and I couldn't return to the show. Will I lose my Bonus Energy?
- Why can't I play on Master difficulty?
- What different types of shows are there?
- How many levels of difficulty are there for the shows?
- What are the different show modes about?
- What's Bonus Energy?
- How can I restore my Bonus Energy?
- I can't use Auto-Play.
- Do skills work in Auto-Play?
- Can I just watch the music videos?
- Can I quit a show once it's started?
- What's the combo counter?
- What are Song Rewards?
- Is there an upper limit to Bonus Energy?
- How can I get a higher score?
- What are the different show settings?
- What does the "Vibration" setting do?
- What are the Show Volume settings?